Yes, indeedy, I think that spring has finally arrived. There appears to be evidence in my so-called garden. (At least, my aspiration is for it to be a garden.) I am starting to feel, well, happier now that it is becoming sunnier. (This is called a "sunshine-y day" in our house, as in "Is it a sunshine-y day today? Yes, I do think it is"). It's interesting how amazing GOOD it feels to sit in the sun -- how primal, almost. Francis is fascinated by the whole growing process -- I don't think he has quite worked out how plants die and then grow again. I suspect he thinks it is like the Easter Bunny -- when you're not looking someone sneaks out into the garden and puts stuff there for your consumption.
I am hoping that now that it is nicer out we can walk downtown every day to get Francis to daycare. (He stills attends because if we gave up his spot, even part-time, we would NEVER get it back. To be sure, it is WAY easier in this town to get a job than it is to get (good) daycare.) I am dreaming longingly of a double stroller (our big investment for our second child, along with another Kinderzeat). I have to say, though, that Stella is finding the outdoors a bit overwhelming. The sun! The wind! The smells! It's just too much, she says (wailing for emphasis).