It's been cold here -- -25 C cold. One might think, even, that I live in Canada. Above is the view from the living room window. Maybe I jinxed the weather by hanging out the festive snowflakes? (There was fun to be had at 10,000 Villages). After -20, it really doesn't matter how cold it is -- it's just damn cold. Cold enough to hurt to breathe and to instantly freeze the snot in your nose into sharp shards. Those of you who know are nodding sagely right now.

And this is the way our windows look when it's cold. Our lovely, 1947 uninsulated house. Dan broke down and taped plastic over the windows in the bedrooms because there was a serious breeze blowing there. I lay in bed wishing I had put on a toque (in addition to the long underwear and wool socks ... tres sexy). "Net Zero" house -- maybe if the "Zero" is referring to insulation.
And with cold, comes .... snowsuits and gear. Wrestling both kids into coats and boots and hats and mitts makes one seriously reconsider why everyone is leaving the house in the first place. The whole reason Robert Muensch's "Thomas' Snowsuit" is so funny is because it's true. I know I am supposed to relax and make the moment a teachable moment. Something like, "Francis, where is your arm? Can you please put your arm in your coat? Good. Now, where is your other arm?". Instead, it's more like;
Stella: Looking at Francis
Francis: NOOOOOOOO. NOOOOO coooooooat ....
Denelle: Honey, it's cold out. You need a coat.
Francis: NOOOOOOO (running away)
Stella: WAAAAAAAA (Francis' screaming scared her)
Denelle: Francis! Jesus Christ, Francis! Come here!
Ah, yes, Dalai Mama indeed. Anyway, let's close this post with an adorable picture of my beautiful children. Stella bathing in the sink -- how easy is that? Why didn't I try that with Francis? Maybe that's my motto -- why make things easy for oneself?