I've been away from blogging for way too long. I've had computer trouble -- having problems downloading pictures, and really, what is a post without pictures?
The picture above is from our Day Out with Thomas. Yes, Thomas the Tank Engine, much revered in our household, visited Heritage Park here in Calgary. Grandmas gave us tickets for Christmas, along with a seasons pass to Heritage Park (they have a steam engine, which is the main attraction for a certain someone). Francis was beside himself with excitement. "Are we there yet?", and "Where's Thomas?" for the whole looooong car-ride there (not long by distance, but by Whine-age). Tickets were for one train ride only, and we waited at the station the whole time because, well, someone melted down every time we tried to walk away for other amusements during our 45 minute wait for our ride.
It's good to have passions, I guess. And I'd rather my guy was passionate about Thomas, as compared to, say, Spiderman (too violent), or guns (ah, way too violent). Although the consumerism of the whole Thomas thing really annoys me (MUST they package a copy of the catalogue with each new train?!) we are happy to support Francis in his interests. He knows the difference between a Steamie and a Diesel, fuel-wise, what a funnel is and where the firebox is located.
My wish is that he may always have the courage to follow his passions. I didn't.