We are continuing to spend lots of time at the hospital. The good news is, Neurology agrees with me. The bad news is, Neurology agrees with me. She is developmentally delayed, with sensory and physical tone issues. We are continuing with the Brain Gym, and now Neurology is arranging for us to have Physiotherapy. We are having surgery (wah! it hurts to even type that!) in 2 weeks to have tubes put in her ears, poor girl. I am meeting with the FSCD to see if they can help us out.
It is really overwhelming, trying to work our way through the medical labyrinth. The various departments at the hospital don't talk to each other, and I am not sure what Stella needs, really. (Sensory therapy? Physical therapy? Occupational therapy?) It's a full-time job, and I think that the whole family is feeling the stress. Dan (my husband!) is sleeping downstairs by himself (how romantic!) while I sleep upstairs with Stella, and Francis, after a year and a half of assigning Daddy to Alpha and Mommy to Beta, has become super-incredibly clingy. He follows me everywhere -- it would be really nice to be able to pee without company. He is having anxiety and night terrors that only Mommy can soothe.