My project for this week has been negotiating the labyrinth of the medical system. Stella is missing her milestones already, and I am trying to arrange to get her therapy, both physical (she is hypertonic) and visual. I firmly believe that we should be doing something now rather than wait until she is grossly delayed. (Why hasn't our pediatrician arranged for something?) The nurse at the community clinic where we went for her immunization has refered us to Early Child Intervention Servces and we are (finally) being "processed" by the Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program. Good god, I would make a deal with the Faustian devil if that would help my little girl.
We are trying Brain Gym (www.braingym.org) and touch therapy at home and it seems to be helping -- even after a week Stella seems much more alert and is turning her head to look at things. It is expensive, though -- $80/session. That, together with the $800/mth for daycare for Francis and our recent car repairs are draining our cash flow. I would like to have Francis in part-time care, but we are reluctant to give up our daycare spot since finding good daycare in this city is extremely difficult (hello? Mr. Harper? see http://www.buildchildcare.ca/BE_petition.php/honourthem to complain!)
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