There is a whole cult out there, a cult of Wearing Your Baby. Those in the know call it Slingin' Your Baby. Oh, it only starts with the Baby Bjorn, or, the ancient Snuggli. I did not really join the Cult with Francis. We did the Baby Bjorn, the Hip Baby, and the backpack. All more or less over-engineered -- hence Dan loved them (buckles! fits together like an IKEA product!)
I started innocently enough when my friend Mel from Seattle (an AP Mama if I ever saw one) used her pouch sling a lot. She got me interested. So, I bought a KKFP from Ebay. But then, it was too hot to use in Seattle, so I bought a HotSling. I loved that you could throw your sling in your purse, and that the same sling could be used for a front or hip carry (unlike the highly specialized Bjorn).
But alas, although Francis liked the pouch (he hated being swaddled, even as a baby), Stella was not crazy about it. And the great thing about slinging is, (when it works), it comforts the child (i.e., Stop the Screaming) and maybe even lets you do other things while you tend to your child.
So, now I have joined the Cult of Wrapping. I am addicted to a babywearing bulletin board appropriately called TheBabyWearer.com. There is a FSOT board -- which, interestingly, has a section called "Resources for help with shopping addictions". Ah, yes, that could very easily be me. Some Mamas have a huge stash of wraps to color-coordinate with their outfits and seasons! This is where I bought my second-hand Ellaroo wrap (in the "Christiane" color scheme, for those interested). And now I am learning the gymnastics of the FWCC, the BWCC, the Tibetan (with and without a chest belt), the HipCarry ... (see this list for more than you will ever want/need to know on the subject). The (German) Didymos is the "cadillac" of the wrap world, so I am haunting the BB for just the right price/color/weight combination ...
But in the meantime, of course! I had to also purchase a Mei Tai to try it out. It is really beautiful -- purple straps with a lovely purple floral pattern on the panel.

But I do love my wrap -- Stella settles down instantly when I put her in. I am actually reluctant to wash it, in case the smell comforts her. And versitle! (can be used as a blanket, a changing pad, a coverup) fits in your purse! Now, if only I can perfect the backcarry so that I can get her up there without her screaming (once she is up she loves the view).
I think that I will have a lot of FSOTing and/or Ebaying once this child is walking ....
1 comment:
It's not new to hear in Oz we called the baby bjorn the kangaroo pouch, I tried mine a few times but bub got big and heavy so quick that my upper back started to hurt. I'm sorry now that I didn't try it more often, you all look so cosy and relaxed.
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