We got back the results of Stella's MRI. Unfortunately, I can't post pictures here (the neurologist showed them to me and it was kinda neat) but you can see how MRI scans of ACC differs from a brain with an intact CC here.
The bad news is that, yes, indeed, Stella does have ACC (Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum). I thought that this might be the case since the prenatal MRI scans were quite clear. However, I was hoping that she might have a partial or thin CC (dysgenesis).
The good news is that her ACC appears to be isolated with no other associated defects. Neurology was worried about Septo Optic Dysplasia in particular since her vision has taken so long to mature. (The main visual fibres cross midline in the back of the brain). No cysts, and other parts of her brain appear to have developed normally.
People often ask me what implications ACC will have for Stella. It's hard to know since ACC tends to manifest itself differently in each person, and outcomes depend on what else (if anything) is "wrong". You can learn more about typical characteristics of ACC here.
It is very important -- essential, really -- to accept her for what she is, my precious, precious gift. Did I mention that she is smiling now? Oh, it is glorious, in the true sense of the word, and makes my heart sing when she smiles at me. I will try to capture it on film to post it.

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