Mr. Itchy and Scratchy .... hmmm ... can you guess who that is? Yup, Mr. Francis P. Doll. I have met with ultimate and complete failure at trying to stem his eczema. His eczema now covers his entire body. His bum and feet are completely red and bleeding. His family medicine doctor is of absolutely no help (we had a heated disagreement last time we were in about how I rejected Dr. Cohen's suggestion that we treat Francis' eczema by using steroid cream for the rest of his life). We have an appointment with a dermatologist on Monday because I phoned them and cried, literally, over the state of Francis' health. I think that some of the discipline problems we are experiencing with him right now might be because he is just so uncomfortable. I am trying to keep him on a yeast-free diet as much as possible to see if that will help. The research that I have done suggests that eczema is an allergic reaction to .... something. The suggested somethings are dairy, wheat, yeast, citrus, corn, preservatives, soy ... let's see, pretty much everything edible, no? I've also made an appointment with a Naturopath for Wednesday ($150!!!) because I am at a complete and total loss as to how to help my poor boy. The eczema, since appearing for the first time a year ago, has slowly and steadily gotten worse and worse.
Other "good" news is that Stella's eardrum ruptured yet again (we are going to see her E&T guy on Tuesday) and that her Opthamologist has confirmed a diagnosis of intermittent exotropia. Apparently this is highly genetic and she gets it from me -- Dan calls it my "quibby eye" and it goes wonky when I am tired. There is no cure, or exercise, or anything. We are just hoping that it doesn't get worse. I am quite upset about the eardrum rupture -- the ear tubes were supposed to prevent this from happening. I am worried this is affecting Stella's hearing and language during this very important first year.
OK, enough whining. I even get tired of listening to myself go on and on. Time for a hefty dose of gratitude -- some things I am grateful for;
--(great!) coffee in the morning! (thanks, Dan!)
--Stella is almost sitting up independently
--huge hugs from my little man Francis
--huge smiles from Stella
--the chance to dress up Stella matchy-matchy girly-girly
--our house, to change and claim and love as we please
--sunshine (aah! why does it feel so good?)

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