Whew. It's been quite a year. A whirlwind of birth, illness, doctors, negotiation, adjustment, and out and out change.
I have some New Year Resolutions.
1. Exercise. Even just a little bit. I saw myself naked in the mirror the other day and I was very, very frightened. Even worse, I am winded walking to the mailbox. I just to be fit, honest.
2. Drink more water. Dehydration is the largest contributor to fatigue in women. This will cut into my coffee habit, however. The deal I am making with myself is one (big) glass of water for every cup of coffee I drink.
3. Stop. Comparing. My car (1992 Lola the Corolla Wagon, o' faithful) to someone's new Cross-Country Volvo. My daughter to the crawlin', rollin', chattering machines at playgroup. And on and on. It's not healthy. It's not good. And I have difficulty stopping myself.
4. Figure out how to use my cell-phone. Yup, I have joined the rest of you. I decided I needed a cell-phone in case of emergencies with the kids (i.e., possible seizures), and my good friend James has graciously given his phone. I have yet to figure out how to program the phonebook or access voicemail. Maybe I should ask Francis to help me ...
5. Write at least 2 letters to my elected representatives about issues I care about. Namely, child-care, health care, and the environment. The budget may be balanced, but the big picture sure ain't. I need to do more than just complain about this.
That's enough, don't you think? I mean, I could go on and on, but more than 3 is quite ambitious, in my opinion.
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