Look at my boy! Here he is at his very first downhill ski lesson! I am actually surprised how much he enjoyed it -- he doesn't like to turn or to stop (a bit of a problem for others on the hill) -- he likes to "go whoosh, down, Mama, fast like Batman". (How he knows who Batman is is another mystery).
I really want to enroll him in the "Jackrabbit" kids cross-country program next year , which is supposed to be excellent. Actually, if Francis grows up and never straps on a pair of skis again, I would be sad but it would be OK. I just want to communicate to him that exercise is an important (and fun!) part of daily life, and to value the outdoors. Look at him in the picture above! How could I not be a Proud Mama?

Speaking of how I am a Proud Mama, Stella has made some milestones. She can clap her hands in delight now, and waves hello, albeit ham-fisted. She can suck by herself from a juicebox straw -- we are on our way to drinking from a cup. She is learning to turn pages in a book. She can push up on her hands when she is on her tummy. (I am hoping for crawling in the next 6 months). I believe that being at daycare has been good for her -- getting to know other caregivers, and more importantly, seeing what her peers can do. Stella appears to be very socially motivated -- which is a very good thing since ACC very often manifests in Autistic-like behaviours.
Am I not the luckiest Mama ever? How proud I am of my poppets.
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