Stella is our Super Trooper, really.
She is recovering from operation #3, anesthetic #4; three operations in 2 years. Geez. This round, our new ENT, Dr. Brookes, removed Stella's adenoids. We are hoping that this will help her sinuses to drain, thus stopping the constant ear infections, eye infections, chest infections resulting from what is, basically, snot overload and containment.
She was sick with a cold when she when in for her operation, so some fluid got in her lungs and she had to stay overnight to bring her oxygen levels up to normal. I was informed by the nurses that I was expected to stay overnight (making my stay a total of 24 hours).
Me: Um, OK, well, I wasn't expecting this. Where can I sleep?
Nurse: We can bring you a blanket.
Me: You want me to sleep on this chair? (gesturing towards a plastic cafeteria-type chair by Stella's bed).
Nurse: We can bring you a blanket.
Lovely. Perhaps the possibility that I could get into a car accident driving my small child home from the hospital because I hadn't slept in over 24 hours hadn't occurred to Nurse Cranky? That I could get ticketed and charged with an Impaired because of lack of sleep? Not her problem. She needed someone to keep my daughter quiet and occupied while she did paperwork. That Stella's teenage room-mate was having a slumber party with her parents, boyfriend, and everyone she could reach by cell-phone wasn't helping matters either, in terms of Stella or I sleeping.
I mean, I applaud that the new doctrine of "Family-Centered Care" means that it is possible (but, alas, not likely) that the concerns and involvement of the patients family is considered. (My 80-year neighbour told me the story of her daughter's hospitalization at 5 months for 2 weeks, during which time she was never allowed to see her.) But, in my experience, the reality of "family-centered care" is that it translates to "Mama does it all" -- cut costs by off-loading it to Mama. Mama does it all! Health advocate! Nurse! (oh, you can change those dressings yourself). Physical therapist! Speech therapist! Development aide! It's a wonder that Mama has time to do any Mama-ing.
So, I went home and slept right through phone calls #1 and #2 from Nurse Cranky ordering me back to the hospital, and got reamed out by Nurse Cranky when I returned in the morning. Yes, I was a bad, bad, mother, I left my baby and she woke up crying for her Mama. But, here's the thing -- I can't look after her if I am not functioning myself. I wasn't asking for some spa-time -- I was asking for 6 hours uninterrupted sleep.
Oh, dear. This post is turning into a post about me. But really, it is about Stella. Her resilience is amazing. She was up and about today smiling, doing her current routine Pulling Every Book From the Shelf. (Oh, what fun!)
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