Stella has had yet another eardrum rupture. Yup, for those counting that's 4x during her short 4-month old life. We are getting tubes put in next Wednesday, thank goodness. (Any bets as to whether I'll cry when they put her under?) It has been suggested to me that going dairy-free might help Stella's rate of infection. I had been resisting this idea as I LOVE cheese, and when I am pregnant or lactating I crave milk. Life without cheese, sigh. And of course, EVERYTHING has dairy in it, all my favorite processed foods and of course, CHOCOLATE. But, this last infection has pushed me over the edge, so to speak, and I am ready to do anything to stop this cycle. Stella has basically been on antibiotics since she was born. Any suggestions for recipes, people?

And, also on the health front news-wise, Francis' eczema persists. His poor feet are raw and bleeding, poor bunny, I think because his favorite clogs are loose and chafe his feet as he does his special duck-style running. (Feet rotating outward, arms held stiff at his sides. Where and why did he learn to do this???). I still haven't figured out what triggers the eczema. I am just hoping that his body will eventually heal itself if we can break the cycle. I refuse to put him on an elimination diet because he is (only) 3, and god knows it is difficult enough to stuff (nutritious) food down his skinny little body anyway.
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