Sunday, June 25, 2006

We Are Family

Oh, how I struggling with trying to divide my attention between the two kids. (And Francis is in daycare! The how and why of that is another story ...) Francis has figured out that (1) Stella is here to stay, and (2) she doesn't appear to be another of Mommy's hobbies, like, say, knitting, that I can tuck away when Francis needs/wants me. He doesn't realize that I endlessly do triage, and Stella gets very often ignored in favor of his needs.

Did I mention that yesterday Francis tried to smother Stella with a receiving blanket? Oh, my sweet sweet boy, what is happening? When he is feeling ignored?abandoned?alone?unloved? he tracks Stella down and socks her one. And of course he has realized by now that this pushes my buttons like you wouldn't believe. My version of discipline for Francis pre-Stella basically amounted to distraction, removal, and repetition, repetitition, repetitition (i.e., "hands are not for hitting"). I don't know -- I am writing this with my "Positive Discipline" book clutched to my chest.

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