Friday, September 22, 2006


The kids and I just got back from a week in Ootischenia (Castlegar, in the Kootenay Valley in B.C.). My Aunt Darlene, the single most influential and inspiring person in my life, and her husband Mark, live on an acreage out there. It is always wonderful to visit -- I rarely leave Ootischenia (breaking Guest Equiette Rule #1, Don't Hang Around All Day Every Day), content to check out the animals, pick fruit, talk shop with Auntie (the authority on all things important in life, including how to get a good set on jam and the best way to Time Out your child). That's my Aunt in the picture above, getting Stella to eat amazing amounts of her delicious homegrown, home-cooked food.

Here is a picture of Stella with my (little! She's all grown up now!) cousin Alexis. The kids loved Alexis -- she has a special gift with children. Francis called her "that girl", as in "where is that girl going", "where is that girl", "is that girl going to play trains with me", "can that girl and I watch videos". Alexis just finished her certification in Hair Styling -- you can probably tell by the hip and trendy hair (in stark contrast to ponytail girl, aka, me).

This is my Uncle Mark playing trains with Francis. Mark's patience and compassion for all human beings, including children, is awe-inspiring. He can fix and build anything, including the house you see here.

We all need a shelter from the storm, and this is it for me.

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