Oh, wow, do I ever have some deprogramming to do with Mr. Francis Doll. He goes to daycare, which means he leaves the influence of the carefully reconstructed world that is our house. He leaves my sphere of influence. This means he sometimes comes home talking about Superman (not encouraged) or "died" (we haven't approached this concept yet because really I have no idea of how to begin without freaking him out) or hot dogs (thank god for Tofurky dogs).
But lately he has developed this concept which strikes fear, or worse yet, anger, in my heart. The belief (where, oh, where did it come from?! and already?) that "girls" (meaning females) are not as brave, strong, or as big as "boys" (meaning males). For example, girls cannot see ghosts (Francis' catchall for all things frightening) because they are scary. Girls do not have "big muscles" (a current aspiration of Francis). Oh oh oh oh, where to begin the deprogramming?
On the other hand, maybe I am just overreacting. He is 3 1/2, and testing out the whole gender concept and what it means. (It doesn't help that all girls clothes, it seems, are pink, as are all "traditional" girls toys. I had to special order his primary-colored play kitchen up from the US). I remind myself that he is also steadfast in his belief that he has (five, always five) babies in his tummy, and that he can breastfeed.

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