Sunday, June 25, 2006

We Are Family

Oh, how I struggling with trying to divide my attention between the two kids. (And Francis is in daycare! The how and why of that is another story ...) Francis has figured out that (1) Stella is here to stay, and (2) she doesn't appear to be another of Mommy's hobbies, like, say, knitting, that I can tuck away when Francis needs/wants me. He doesn't realize that I endlessly do triage, and Stella gets very often ignored in favor of his needs.

Did I mention that yesterday Francis tried to smother Stella with a receiving blanket? Oh, my sweet sweet boy, what is happening? When he is feeling ignored?abandoned?alone?unloved? he tracks Stella down and socks her one. And of course he has realized by now that this pushes my buttons like you wouldn't believe. My version of discipline for Francis pre-Stella basically amounted to distraction, removal, and repetition, repetitition, repetitition (i.e., "hands are not for hitting"). I don't know -- I am writing this with my "Positive Discipline" book clutched to my chest.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Gardening in the Genes

Above is a picture of Grandma Doll and Francis, a blossoming gardener (wink, wink). You might notice the coveted Frog Boots if you look closely (but don't ask how much they cost me). I mentioned to Barb that I wanted my garden to be symmetrical but never seem to have the time/energy to finish it up, and she instantly became a dynamo.


turned into this:

to match this

ohmygod, the woman is a saint, no? And I am hoping to turn Francis into a gardener. I think it is very healthy for him to be digging in the dirt, exploring, learning in a very organic (wink, wink) way. Currently, however, his real love affair is with the garden hose. (Must remember to close the front door when Francis is in charge of the hose, however).

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tubes in My Ears and Bells on My Toes

What a great picture, no? Is my Boy not incredibly handsome? (It's taken just before he leans in and gives her a good swipe that sends her crying ... Ah, the ups and downs of sibling ...)

We (Stella, and I) have successfully completed her (first! and hopefully only) ear surgery. She had tubes put in her (again, infected) ears today, and it was truly heartwrenching when they took her away. She had to have an empty stomach, so trying to soothe her while refusing to nurse her was also difficult as she looked up at me with confusion, trust, and hurt. I continue marching onward on my dairy-free path, gently suggesting to Dan that perhaps he and Francis should both join me since Francis' eczema continues, as well as his cyclical bouts of diarrhea.

I continue fruitlessly on my quest to have a couple of hours to myself, kid-free, to do wild and crazy stuff like go to a yoga class, get my hair cut, or buy some new (much needed) underwear, by myself. Two hours a week? Is that too much to ask for? Is it really irresponsible?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Bye-bye Milkface

Stella has had yet another eardrum rupture. Yup, for those counting that's 4x during her short 4-month old life. We are getting tubes put in next Wednesday, thank goodness. (Any bets as to whether I'll cry when they put her under?) It has been suggested to me that going dairy-free might help Stella's rate of infection. I had been resisting this idea as I LOVE cheese, and when I am pregnant or lactating I crave milk. Life without cheese, sigh. And of course, EVERYTHING has dairy in it, all my favorite processed foods and of course, CHOCOLATE. But, this last infection has pushed me over the edge, so to speak, and I am ready to do anything to stop this cycle. Stella has basically been on antibiotics since she was born. Any suggestions for recipes, people?

And, also on the health front news-wise, Francis' eczema persists. His poor feet are raw and bleeding, poor bunny, I think because his favorite clogs are loose and chafe his feet as he does his special duck-style running. (Feet rotating outward, arms held stiff at his sides. Where and why did he learn to do this???). I still haven't figured out what triggers the eczema. I am just hoping that his body will eventually heal itself if we can break the cycle. I refuse to put him on an elimination diet because he is (only) 3, and god knows it is difficult enough to stuff (nutritious) food down his skinny little body anyway.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Finished Object!

I (finally?) finished a project! This sunhat is for Francis -- the pattern is from Canadian Living, and the solarveil fabric is from Textile Outfitters. He has a similar hat made by FlapHappy, which I can't find here in Calgary, so I thought I'd sew one. (He needs ones for school, and one for home). He refuses to wear it, of course. I am gathering up courage to break out the embroidery unit for my machine to embroider his initials on it. (Another project in itself!)

I have also thrown in my hat to this month's the Sew! I Knit blog project, and am making a shirt for Francis. The fabric is from the oh-so-fun Stitches in Seattle, and the pattern is from the Summer 2005 issue of Ottobre (the magazine that makes me wish I was a way better seamstress!).

Man, there is something about having a baby that unleashes a fury of creativity!